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PhD Program

The PhD program is designed to develop theoretical and methodological competencies to investigate how digital innovation can address business and societal problems. In consultation with the PhD coordinator and other faculty, students configure a program of study that provides them with the theoretical and methodological background for the multi-disciplinary investigation of digital innovation. This program includes subject-matter seminars offered both by Center for Digital Innovation (CDIN) and other departments in the Robinson College of Business (e.g., CIS, Management, Marketing, Institute for Insight). In addition, the program of study includes a rigorous sequence of courses in complementary research methodologies (e.g., psychometric, econometric, text analytics, social network analysis, qualitative research, experimental design) and a course in university teaching. Students develop their teaching competence through the University teaching seminar, GLA assignments to support a professor, and GTA assignments to deliver complete courses.

The type and focus of the dissertation research are shaped by opportunity and fit. In the end, it is about producing the highest quality research results given the capabilities of the student, the skills of the faculty supervisor and opportunities present at the time the student chooses dissertation focus.

We apply collaborative, mentoring approach to support the ongoing development of PhD students. From the start of their program, students work closely with one or more faculty members. They also interact regularly with other faculty and PhD students to develop their research and publication capabilities in tandem with the knowledge and skills developed through coursework. Further, they participate in a year-round research seminar series that features accomplished researchers from around the world.


PhD students are supported with tuition remission and a stipend through the first four years of the program. Support for a fifth year will depend upon both the student’s progress and the availability of funding. The student is expected to teach one or more course sections after the third year as part of the program. Additional teaching for extra compensation is possible, although not encouraged.


CDIN accepts either GRE or GMAT exam scores from its applicants. CDIN is especially interested in students seeking to focus their research on digital innovation to address high-impact problems in business and society.

A multi-disciplinary background coupled with strong technical, analytical, communication and project management skills is desirable. The applicant should have the ability to engage with diverse stakeholders in organizations

For information about the application process, please visit https://robinson.gsu.edu/phd/

For additional information, interested students should contact the CDIN Admission Coordinator, Ms. Vanessa Browne at vbrowne@gsu.edu.